Saturday, July 7, 2012

Class Rules

I love this list of CLASS RULES! It is hanging on the front of my desk. These are not my actual class rules, but I do expect them to follow these too! :)  (the numbers all are 1. on this post for some reason)

 Class Rules 
  1. You are here to learn, not socialize, eat and/or sleep.  
This classroom is not a cafeteria or a slumber party!  
  1. Pack your bag!  
You must bring your notebook,  pencils, agenda, and your homework to class everyday.
  1. Homework is not an option!  
If you do not turn in your work, your grade in class will not be pretty.
  1. Goldfish do not make good role models.   
Goldfish have very short memory and thus are not considered to be intelligent creatures.  Remember what is said in class and don’t forget to do what we talked about in class.
  1. Be like a tree!  
They never get out of their seat and they are great listeners.
  1. Be cool, stay in school!  Being absent does not excuse you from any work.
  1. No pass, no potty!  
You must have a bathroom pass in order to use the restroom.  
  1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T.  
Sing it loud and sing it proud for that is the motto that you  
will be living by.  Respect for people and property.

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