Monday, October 8, 2012

Rough start

This has been a trying beginning of the year. Common Core is kicking our butt!! We are doing our best, but it sure is a lot of work!! This past week is the first week I wasn't doing school work every night until bed time! I was able to plan a whole unit out in daily plans for Science and Math, so I got a little break ;).

I've had 3 days of training on Orton Gillingham. I love it! I am starting it this week in my class and I have already started it with Emma. It is a great way to teach phonics, reading, writing....
This year's kiddos need this bad! The spelling is some of the worst I 've seen at 4th grade level. I'm going to try and help that this year! :)

One of the tools needed for Orton Gillingham is a dry erase board. I went to Lowes and bought a sheet of it (paneling section). I had them cut it into smaller pieces (they cut for free since it is for education!). I was able to get 32 12x12 boards for only about $12!

Well, I'm off to teach another day!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Toy Jail

This is our daughter's Toy Jail. (My husband made it!) Anything she leaves laying around for too long without cleaning up gets put in the jail. If she wants it out, she has to pick a chore card and complete the chore to release the toy. It works great so far! We just started it last week. She actually likes to do some of the chores. This morning she did more than she had to because she was having fun! lol
The chore cards are: help load/unload the dishwasher, help clean the bathroom, vacuum/ sweep, help with laundry, pull weeds, and a get out free card.

Fab Four

These are for the Fab Four...I couldn't find a Penguin or a Snake so I changed two of the animals.
Predicting Penguin, Clarifying Cow, Questiong Queen Bee, Summarizing Seal. They are so cute! I got them at a place called Under Five that recently opened in Winston-Salem. I saw them online but didn't know where to look as far as stores go. I came across these by accident today. It was pouring down rain when we came out of Michaels. I didn't want to go out in it to the truck. The umbrellas were in the truck. So we ran to the store next door to look around and to buy an umbrella. My daughter found these and by the time we were done in the store we didn't need the umbrella anymore! :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Where are you?

I saw this on Pinterest. It is a great way to know where your students are when they leave the room. With so many places to be and different kids in and out and can be a lot to keep up with. Our school does interventions and it was hard to keep track of who went on which days. This will make it easier!

The students numbers are on magnets on the top. All I have to do is add my titles to this. I want to put: speech, interventions, office, bathroom, (and I am still thinking on the last two). Keep this near the door. :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer's coming to an end

Only 13 more days until back to work! This summer sure went fast! I will take pictures of my classroom and add some ideas to my blog when I visit again. Hope everyone has enjoyed thier summers and are getting ready to go back. I still have much to do!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Haven't made anything to share lately. I have been working at my daughter's daycare as a sub some days. I have had several meetings at school to set the year's calendar, make master schedule, and discuss PBIS and changes made for this year. I am on our School Improvement Team this year so I share in some big responsibilites. I am glad I am though. :)

Might head into school one day this week or next so I can laminate all my posters I made and hang them.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dear Students

Dear Students,
Always Remember:
1. You are important.
2. You are special.
3. I believe in you.
4. I care about you.
5. You are listened to.
6. Your opinion matters.
7. You are a winner.
8. I will help you succeed.
Love, Mrs. Hofer